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Toyota Forklifts Celebrates Women in Material Handling

 Women's Day1
Posted: April 01, 2023
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An Interview With Women At TMH

Katina Thomas

Katina Thomas

Can you describe what it means to you to be a female in the material handling industry?


Pride is the first word that comes to mind when I think about being a female in the material handling industry. I have never thought of my gender as a disadvantage but more of an opportunity to break barriers and change the perspective of what women are capable of in the material handling industry.


What excites you most about your job?


Contribution and teamwork are the most exciting things about my job. I enjoy working with others to find solutions to problems and working towards goals. I learn something new every day.


Kelly Baker

Kelly Baker

Can you describe what it means to you to be a female in the material handling industry?


Being a female in manufacturing and the material handling industry felt very intimidating at first and still does at times. Even though it is becoming more common to see more women in traditionally male-dominated roles, there is still a significant disparity between the percentage of men and women in certain roles or departments. As a female, I feel a sense of pride to be in a position to help break gender norms and stigmas in this industry, as well as a responsibility to show that a more diverse workforce leads to higher productivity, creativity, and success.


What advice would you give to women hoping to start a career in manufacturing?


Don’t be intimidated by the unknown. Have confidence in the value you can bring to this industry and your role.



Carrie Dayoff

Carrie Dayoff

Can you describe what it means to you to be a female in the material handling industry?


Working in a predominantly male-dominated industry is not new to me. I have always worked in a field where males dominated. It took a lot of years and hard work to get the respect of my male counterparts. When I came to TMH, it was a different world. The respect was immediate, and I didn’t have to prove myself. When I see a Toyota forklift, it brings a smile to my face. I know that I was a part of building that product and so were many other brilliant women.


What excites you most about your job?


Business process management is part of the quality assurance group. I work with Toyota OEMs and track warranty financials. Building business analytics dashboards excites me. Transforming data to visuals that can be easily understood for presentations is electrifying. Business analytics is changing our industry by showing areas where we can improve.



Monica Combs

Monica Combs

Can you describe what it means to you to be a female in the material handling industry?


Being a female specifically in the material handling industry for me has been so great. My experience is entirely due to the people and the culture we have at TMH. I always feel that my opinions and ideas have value and that I’m a part of this family. Growing up, my dad worked for a grocery chain, and their offices were attached to the warehouse. We would spend Saturday mornings at his office and in the warehouse, and I vividly remember that the women in the company were secretaries. So as a kid I thought I could grow up to be a secretary or a teacher like my mom. Through personal experiences, I was given exposure to so much more. I’ve been in what would historically be considered male-dominated industries for the past 15 years. I have seen a subtle shift over the past several years where females are more of the population in these industries. It seems that each year more women are moving into these roles, and it’s really exciting. While my experience has been very positive I know that I owe my experience to the women that came before me to pave the way.


What advice would you give to women hoping to start a career in manufacturing?


100% go for it. There are so many careers in manufacturing both directly and indirectly that there is something for everyone. I wish that I had more exposure to manufacturing while in elementary through high school and even in college. If we can get that visibility to females in their youth and they begin choosing careers in manufacturing with intention, our industry would see such a great benefit!


Dani Dean

Dani Dean

What excites you most about your job?


The opportunities TMH has to serve our customers and make an impact on the world around us are critical because our customer base is so broad, and it changes directly with the marketplace. I’ve experienced that our team at TMH truly cares about that mission and focuses on serving our customer’s changing needs. The opportunities for technological innovations to move with the marketplace is most exciting.


What advice would you give to women hoping to start a career in manufacturing?


To have an open mindset and not enter into the environment with preconceived assumptions. Confidence in our roles comes as our knowledge of the business and processes grow, so it is important to have curiosity and absorb as much as possible entering into a new field.


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